Location Drawing with Andrew Steers

10/01/2016 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM ET


  • $30.00  -  BAC Member
  • $40.00  -  Nonmember



Draw from life on the streets of Berkeley.


Discover the joy of drawing on location and keeping a sketchbook to visually record experiences and locations. Students will learn the fundamentals of composition, perspective and lighting and apply that to location drawings and paintings done in a sketchbook. Drawings will be done quickly with a focus on improving fundamental drawing skills and confidence. Classes will take place outdoors in locations near the Berkeley Art Center. Bring your own sketchbook, drawing tools provided.

Andrew Steers is a professional illustrator and storyboard artist. Andrew has his MFA in illustration and also teaches at City College in San Francisco. In between freelance jobs Andrew loves taking the time to draw and paint from life. Urban settings inspire a lot of Andrew’s illustration work. He is currently finishing up the first issue of his own comic book Bomber Girl.​ 

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